RIO DE JANEIRO: The National Public Safety Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice has doubled the size of National Public Security Force troops on duty in Rio de Janeiro for the World Cup Final on Sunday.

A statement insisted that deployment of troops is part of the integrated operational plan by the Brazilian Ministries of Justice and Defence for the states hosting World Cup matches.

Uncertainty over security had been exacerbated by doubts about the public reaction after Brazil’s shock elimination by Germany by 7-1 in Belo Horizonte and the possibility of Argentinian fans flooded into Rio should their team beat Holland in their semi-final.

National Public Security Force teams are also on standby in Brazil’s capital of Brasília for quick deployment to Rio de Janeiro if necessary.

The troops are patrolling a number of roads in Rio de Janeiro, including Linha Amarela and Linha Vermelha, Lagoa da Barra highway, Niemeyer Avenue, Paulo de Frontin bypass, Rebouças Tunnel and Francisco Bicalho Avenue.

Stations concern

Public security initiatives are also planned for metro stations in coordination with the Brazilian Federal Highway Police. Stations to be patrolled include Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, Siqueira Campos, Cantagalo, Central do Brasil, Copacabana, Saens Peña, São Francisco Xavier, Carioca and Cidade Nova.

According to Lt. Col. Américo Gaia, coordinator of the security operation in Rio de Janeiro, the security efforts planned focus mostly on ostensible policing activities (typical of the State Police) at strategic points in the city.

Actions are also planned under the Pacificadora II (Pacifier II) Operation, including 24/7 policing of the Santo Amaro community in addition to social inclusion activities and occupational practices offered by 108 firefighters from the National Public Security Forces.

Outside of Rio de Janeiro, the National Public Security Force has also reinforced preventive security operations in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and Cuiabá (Mato Grosso), where state governors have requested the support of federal troops.

In addition to direct support in these three state capitals, the National Public Security troops will operate in partnership with the Brazilian Federal Highway Police (PRF) in six states: Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro.
