ZURICH: FIFA has issued the following statement of “disappointment” in response to  issues concerning the  voting process for The Best FIFA Football Awards™.

These reports are unfair and misleading. 

The voting procedure for each of the awards is supervised and monitored by an independent observer, in this case PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Switzerland.

FIFA and PwC follow the Rules of Allocation and relevant standard control procedures.  As per these procedures, FIFA requested all member associations to submit their voting forms both electronically and in writing. The written documents must also be signed by the responsible persons of the association as well as by the persons authorised to vote. Therefore in order for a vote to be valid it must include the respective signatures and the member association’s stamp.

Both FIFA and the independent observer can demonstrate that all the votes submitted in accordance with the rules and within the deadlines were taken into account. Consequently, there is no doubt whatsoever as to the authenticity of the result. 

Should there have been any case of wrong-doing, and even if this did not affect the result of the vote, FIFA will investigate and apply sanctions where necessary. 






Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFA-Strasse 20   P.O. Box   8044 Zurich   Switzerland
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Tel : +41-(0)43 222 7272

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