KEIR RADNEDGE REPORTS: Football’s lawmaking International Board is, after all, being recommended to review the current controversial interpretation of handball as well as offside.

The board’s football and technical advisory panels have also agreed that the principle of an additional permanent substitution for a concussed player be considered further. The five-subs option is to be continued.

A video meeting was chaired by FA of Wales ceo Jonathan Ford.

An IFAB statement said:

In relation to the handball Law, given that the interpretation of handball incidents has not always been consistent . . . it was re-emphasised that the final judgment remains with the referee and not every touch of a player’s hand/arm with the ball is an offence.

In terms of a definition of the term “unnaturally bigger”, referees should judge the position of the hand/arm in relation to the player’s movement in that phase of play.

Trials are to begun as soon as possible regarding an additional permanent substitution for a concussed player. IFAB will consider approving these at its annual business meeting on December 16.

As for offside, the panels discussed “options around making the game more attractive and dynamic.”

It added: “It was clear that, if any concrete proposal was to be considered, it would need to be applicable at all levels of the game and easy to apply for the match officials, mindful of the dynamic nature of player’s movement. It was agreed that extensive trials would be necessary before a Law change could be proposed.”

The decision-making annual meeting will be held on March 6.
