MOSCOW: Brazil’s 2014 World Cup risk severe embarrassment after the Russian hosts for 2018 unveiled a plan to organise fan fests during theapproaching finals being broadcast back from South America in 15 months’ time writes KEIR RADNEDGE.
Given the inability of the Brazilians to hit construction deadlines and given the alacrity with which Russia went to work on landing 2018, it appears entirely probable that the Russians will have their fan fest sites cleared, created, stocked and staffed before the ‘real’ event host.
The idea for the 2014-in-2018 fests emerged during a seminar for the Russian match venue cities.
Alexey Sorokin, the 2018 ceo, said: “We’re confident that interest in the World Cup in Brazil will be significant among the Russian people, particularly given that our own country is the next host.
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“Russian fans who are unable to visit Brazil next summer will have a chance to celebrate the 2014 World Cup at the official fan fests in the Russian host cities. Now the LOC and – especially – the cities have to evaluate resources and make a decision.”
FIFA likes the idea.
Ralph Straus, head of strategy and brand management, said: “The possibility of a FIFA Fan Fest inRussiain 2014 is a very exciting concept. It would give the host cities the chance to provide Russian football fans with an insight into the amazing experience ahead of 2018.
“We are looking forward to developing discussions with the cities and seeing whether they are interested in exploring this opportunity»
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