ZURICH: FIFA has extended worldwide the bans already imposed on eight players by the Estonian federation and one player by Lebanon after matchfixing and fraud inquiries.
The eight Estonians each received a one-year ban from all football-related activities while the Lebanese player was banned from all football-related activities for life.
Estonia’s football officials had been cooperating with national judicial authorities after the state prosecutor opened fraud investigations in 2011 against the eight players for allegedly receiving money from a bookmaker in connection with matches in the top division and the domestic cup.
On March 1 the Estonian FA imposed its own suspensions although these may yet be amended since inquiries are ongoing.
The lifetime ban imposed on the Lebanese player followed investigations by the Lebanese FA-appointed investigation committee beginning in January that related to actions of betting and corruption committed by Lebanese officials and players during national league and cup matches .
Last month, FIFA confirmed the extension of sanctions imposed on the other 23 players and one official involved in the same investigation, with bans ranging in length from one football season to a lifetime.