The investigations concerning Mr Makudi were conducted by Dr Cornel Borbély, chairman of the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, and the final report was passed to the adjudicatory chamber on July 15, 2016.
In its final report, the investigatory chamber recommends a ban from all football-related activity for no less than four years and a fine of CHF 25,000 for violation of the general rules of conduct (art. 13 pars 1 to 3 of the FIFA Code of Ethics (FCE)), loyalty (art. 15 FCE), forgery and falsification (art. 17 FCE), and the obligation of the parties to collaborate (art. 41 FCE).
In the course of the proceedings, Mr Makudi will be invited to submit his position including any evidence with regard to the final report of the investigatory chamber (art. 70 par. 2 of the FCE) and may request a hearing (art. 74 par. 2 of the FCE).
For reasons linked to privacy rights and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the adjudicatory chamber will not publish further details at the moment.