Wider window on sport worldwide

OLYMPIC GAMES: Lights, cameras … time at last for athletes’ action

PARIS —- At last, almost seven years after a rule-bending double hosting award, Paris has its 2024 Olympic Games. The formal launch was a made-for-television Opening Ceremony at times spectacular, at times over-stuffed, at times apparently interminable but which was certainly unique in concept with […]

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FROM A LONG TIME AGO IN FRANCE . . . . the ongoing message of the Christmas Truce football match

—- More than a century has passed since the end of the First World War. From amid all the carnage of the following four years emerged a tale which has remained a symbol of hope, a glimpse of the power of sport, down all the […]

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Happy birthday, iconic Wembley Stadium . . . 100 years old

KEIR RADNEDGE COMMENTARY —- The Empire Stadium, Wembley, is one hundred years old. It threw open its doors, gates and turnstiles for the first time a century ago on April 28, 1923. The odd point is that it was supposed to be a mere temporary […]

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Queen’s funeral: The end of an era

LONDON: The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London brought a conclusion to a record reign of 70 years which have seen probably greater change than any such comparable previous era. Westminster Abbey, in the presence of political leaders from around the world including United […]

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Unforgettable day the Queen’s England were on top of the world

KEIR RADNEDGE REPORTING —- The English Football League recalled the Queen’s role in presenting the World Cup to England in 1966 in its tribute after the monarch’s death at 96. A statement issued by ceo Rick Parry said: “Over a 70-year reign, Her Majesty proudly […]

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Story of the FA Cup’s first goal

Wer etwas über das allererste offizielle Fußballspiel in Erfahrung bringen möchte, das am 11. November 1871 in London stattfand, der stößt bereits bei der Fahndung nach einer Fotoaufnahme auf das erste Problem: es existiert keine. Obiges Motiv kann daher nur einen Eindruck vermitteln von Spielen […]

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new year football

KEIR RADNEDGE COMMENTARY —- Only two Premier League matches are being played on the New Year’s Day public holiday in England: Everton v West and Manchester United v Aston Villa. The fact that January 1 is a Friday is irritating for television executives who try to […]

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Brexit twist: UK says goodbye to Europe . . . but not to European football

KEIR RADNEDGE REPORTING —- At 11pm last night – Friday, January 31 – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland left the European Union. Brexit happened finally, some three and a half years after a referendum which spit the country in half. Well, […]

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Old Trafford: A clock forever frozen at four minutes past three . . .

KARL SUNDSTROM / AIPS** —- There is a light that never goes out at Old Trafford. To enter the stadium you walk past darkness and light. You walk past the horrors of death, collective grief and pain as well as glory, unity and love. You walk […]

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Boxing Day football . . . the English sporting and social tradition which keeps on giving

KEIR RADNEDGE COMMENTARY —- Baffled foreign managers hate it, English fans love a speciality as traditional as Christmas pudding. The holiday programme is a frantic fixture in both the sporting and social calendar. This is not a modern tradition either. It dates right back to […]

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